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Moon Servers

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#181 Lin-mobile

Posted 10 June 2008 - 07:16 PM

Welcome! You're OTC (Old Timers Club, over 40) as are many of us here! Take a gander around the forum, lots going on in here, and welcome to MoonGamers!

#182 Comet

Posted 10 June 2008 - 07:22 PM

I mean come on, you just got to love those Canucks.

Welcome slug, you're right at home here, plenty of 40ish members to kill. :)

#183 canucklehead

Posted 10 June 2008 - 09:07 PM

I mean come on, you just got to love those Canucks.

Welcome slug, you're right at home here, plenty of 40ish members to kill. :)

Tnx Comet and Lin seen you on the feild and will see you there again cheers

#184 Frosath

Posted 11 June 2008 - 01:48 AM

once upon a time in a magical yet deadly world called BF2142 there were 3 friends, these three people decided that they liked the moongamers old suez titan as a map and server, so they decided to stay, later a person called Freezydragon decided "hmmm whats at this website called moongamers", so he went to check then after some weeks went by people pestered Freezy to join TS, then after about 2 months Freezy became a REG and decided to make west CQ his new home and the shotgun his ultimate weapon against evil (papaspud). 1 month later his comp died and the world was in a panic, but he soon got a new laptop then people rejoiced. 1 month later Freezy became an admin, wielding his banstick he went around patrolling the 2142 servers, and he lived happily ever after...

....until the day he ran out of bearclaws and cheetoes...

#185 Rick

Posted 13 June 2008 - 11:31 AM

I found a moon admin on some other server...we talked...he told me to try the moongamers server...I came...and Im here lol

Interesting story ehh?

#186 Enforcer

Posted 24 June 2008 - 11:37 AM

All stories are interesting and when I started this thread some four years ago, it is interesting to see how so many people found us, and then stayed with us. We are to this day, getting new people into the Moongamers world. I never thought much about what was behind the games I played, I just logged on and played, and like many of you, one day saw the liner in game and actually went there to check it out. And lo and behold, there is a whole community behind many of the servers we play on. Moongamers is but just one.

It is also interesting to see how many people find our ruleset to their liking. Some people have argued for less rules, that too many rules take away from the game. I would say they are right. But, having certain rules in the game, I think promote fun, fairness and in some cases, take care of a nuance I bet even EA was not aware would happen when they went online for the first time. It is great to see that, as it is also what I believe. I think it shows that we were not far off the mark when we started this place in 2004.

Keep the posts coming as we have many from the newer games that have joined our ranks but, have not yet posted...

Welcome to Moongamers everyone..welcome..

#187 Sylvannerese

Posted 24 June 2008 - 08:29 PM

I just saw this part of the forum today and thought I'd check it out. Been reading a lot of the other stories so now it's time to tell mine.

Sometime in the middle of 8th grade, my friend told me about Battlefield 2 which he had bought the day before. So me, being one for FPS games, bought it a week later. I started off on one of the 16 available servers I saw before the patch, Strike at Karkand. I like the map. A week later I downloaded the patch and searched for Strike at Karkand maps. A very very long list came up. Then, I just shook the mouse up and down and let go, and it landed on Moongamers, so I joined. When I think about how I came to the server I think what are the chances that I came here by randomly clicking on a server but I'm glad I did :D

I like the rules and how they are enforced and the people are very friendly and funny. I enjoy talking to everyone on Teamspeak. Through teamspeak, Mark (clips anode) taught me the art of claymores :ph34r: I am glad I found this community and I don't plan on leaving anytime soon.

Long live Moongamers!

#188 Irviding

Posted 21 July 2008 - 04:00 PM

2 years ago I was in a different community, and I left there and looked for a new server.. found moon oman and joined and became in love with the place ever since :) Registered on the forum that August 06 , but made a new account now, I came on TS a few times and found the SF warlord server and I needed badges there so I joined the warlord server and basically ditched oman and played Warlord and Karkand ever since :)

#189 No_Nickname

Posted 03 October 2008 - 12:51 PM

How did I get here???

Well I bought the BF1942 Anthology set back in February of 2004 at a Wal-mart for $30 after we just bought a new computer but didn't have the right internet to play it. Well I started playing Single player and other games until we got a decent internet in 2006, well when I started playing online, I went to populated servers like iiNet, and GameArena and I did ok but not the best, well I joined a clan for Ghost Recon but I was only in there for 6 months but left because of management. Well a couple of friends and I started our own but we tried getting servers but no luck, so I started looking for a server that was populated most of the time that had good admins and I found Moongamers, well I played on there even when I joined a new clan after the one I started was disbanded because of inactivity so I joined a friends which had a DCF server. So I continued playing on both until I had to disband the 1942 division that I led because we weren't getting anymore donations because everybody moved on to CoD4, we'll I found hopefully my last clan after that, so now the only servers that I play on now are MoonGamers and my clans DCF servers. And that is how I came to Moongamers after a year break and have made many friends since then.

#190 pops2

Posted 13 August 2009 - 10:33 PM

I played the game for many years, off and on, slashed and burned through the clan thing, but there was always this odd Moongamers server that said, to paraphrase, "no clan crap".

So when I kept coming back, there you were, and here I am.

Thanks Lin for your continued support of the greatest PC shooter ever crafted!

#191 HoneyBee

Posted 10 September 2009 - 10:55 AM

I was searching for a server with a minimum of 10 players i found Moongamers Most Likely CQ Omaha with the old name....
I joined and i really liked it so I added it to my favorites. The admins are ok there.I really don't like the new map rotation on Omaha its more MG then Omaha...

#192 iii

Posted 26 September 2009 - 07:27 AM

OK, here's my path traveled,

I never played an online game before February of 2009. Did have the time, and to be honest, wasn't very good and I knew it. So, the end of January I had major shoulder surgery and couldn't work for at least four weeks. I loved playing BF1942 in solo mode so I decided to give it a try. The first server I got on was another and was lost. I wanted to be on a crowded server so my lack of contribution (ability) wouldn't be so evident and I found Moongamers. The rest is a wonderful relationship...

#193 detroifa

Posted 01 November 2009 - 01:37 PM

I started playing bf 1942 online with the secret weapons demo.
Everyday just me and my mate and huge quantities of alcohol and forbidden substances.
Thats was back in '04 after playing it for about 3 months my mates decided to buy the game.
Eventually stopped playing shortly after that for setting my life on track. Now its 09 im off the "forbidden substances"
and when i was in a gaming store i still remembered the good old days i spent with it.
Got the game with the expansion packs for a fairly good price of 10 euro.
Ended up on omaha cq server because it was an all time favorite map of mine.
Kept coming back because of the good admins keeping up good gameplay.
Eventually downloaded DC and all of my skills at vanilla Bf went down drain
And know i cannot get back at vanilla cause i get owned over there...
Thx guys for ruining my social life...

#194 blancrou

Posted 13 November 2010 - 12:08 AM

All this great story started in January 2006. A friend of mine, invite me at his home and we played video games! The game he showed me was BF2. This is how I first met with the BF series!
At home, I really wanted to try out this BF2, so I downloaded the demo... Unfortunately, when the game was starting, I had a black screen: my computer wasn't powerful enough to run it. So I search for other BF games and found battlefield 1942! I downloaded the demos, and played it: A LOT!!

Months later, July 2006, I finally decided to buy 1942 complete collection. I played a lot too! (on Vietnam as well!) Around the holidays, I was searching for a server with a good map. I then found MoonGamers mostly Omaha server! I became addict! (I am actually very curious to see the chat logs of holidays 2006!)
I slowly stopped to play 1942...
A couple years ago, I bought my first real computer (a gaming computer) that I "create" by chossing the pieces. I was really happy because, now, I would be able to play Bf2!!
Unfortunately, I never saw/play on MG Bf2 servers at this time (it was last or two year(s) ago). I only played on USQC one (QC!!)
When I got bored of BF2 (I decided to buy a new Bf game (Was already waiting for BF3!) and decided to give a try at BC2! (April/Ma 201.)
After a couple months playing BC2, I started to get bored and had an idea: And what if I join a clan? The night I was searching for one, I mysteriously felt on MoonGamers CQ server. Warrior was there. We first met there and I did remember at this time, the MoonGamers server! So I decided to go on the website, like the good old time, just to see. And I join the forum, and Teamspeak and here I am now!

Thanks moongamers! You really changed my life :grphug:

#195 Warrior124

Posted 13 November 2010 - 12:19 AM

I remember the first time we met, blancrou. I don't exactly know the date, lol. However, I thought you instilled the attitude of a true MoonGamer. Someone willing to help out even at the cost of score, a person of great dedication to the server and community they play, and willing to help promote MoonGamers to others. We're definitely glad you are here with us, and I am proud to have you admin for us. There is just one problem. You still haven't got the Sr's, and Core our coffee, and doughnuts. :lol:

My Story:
I kept seeing commercial for Battlefield 2142, and hearing alot about the game. I never played multiplayer games before, and didn't know what to think of it at first. So, one day I saw I could download a demo version of the game to try out, and I did. I wanted to see what it was like, and didn't even know whether I would like it enough to buy it, or not.

At first I didn't know where to begin, but eventually found out how to join servers, how to set my controls, etc. I was a total noob to online gaming, and this was something I wasn't use to at all. I also had a crappy computer that would barely play the game, but found I absolutely loved it.

I would hop from one server to another as I would find many weren't stable enough (too much lag), I would get tk'ed alot, hackers, you name it. Finally, I found a server I really loved. I had no idea who the server belonged to, and at that point I didn't even care. I know I just loved that server. I could play on it without lagging. The tk' still existed, and I would find some hackers on, but all I knew was I could finally get points, because it wasn't laggy much at all.

One day I tried to get back on, but found a message telling me I was banned from the server by admin decision. I thought "okay, this must be a mistake". So, I went to hop into other servers which again I found I didn't like. The next night I thought I would give my favorited server another try, and I found I was able to get back in and play. I had alot of fun. I hated being tk'ed, and I would make it a point to try to never tk anyone on my team. I hated it, and I knew others hated it as well. Sometimes I would on accident, but I'd always apologize right after, and work harder at never doing it again. However, I saw many people intentonally tking like crazy, and they were coming back night after night after night sometimes running me off the server. However, every few nights I would find I was banned by admin decision which would last only a day or two, and I would be able to join, again.

One night I had had it with being banned from my favorite server while others who intentionally strived to ruin games for others were allowed to come back night after night. I decided to get some answers, and I was going to bring hell with me, too. I saw a banner for WolfServers when I would try to join, and did a little research to find out where WolfServers forum was thinking they were the ones that had control over the server. So, I joined their forum, and posted what happened while cursing them out, calling the admin who banned me every name I could think of, and demanding answers as to why I was banned while other more abusive players were allowed to come back again and again. I was told WolfServers weren't in control of that server, and to try MoonGamers.

So, off to MoonGamers I went boiling mad. After making an account here I again voiced my anger at the admin who banned me (I didn't know who it was that banned me. All I thought I knew was that it was an admin), and demanded answers as to why I kept getting banned. I thought for sure I'd be banned from the forum right after my tirade. I was shocked to find the opposite. Lin explained to me that that server wasn't staffed with admins since it was a demo server, and there was some glitch that would make the server ban some people. She welcomed me to the forum, as well as did others, and I was asked to join TS as well. I couldn't believe the warm welcome I received, and felt bad concerning my attitude I displayed when first coming. I apologized to everyone, and decided to become a member here. A few days later I bought the full game which I enjoyed alot better than the demo. Ever since I've been a MoonGamer, and proud of it. :)
  • blancrou likes this

#196 clive stroker

Posted 29 February 2016 - 08:00 AM


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