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DayZ-Epoch Server Updates/bug tracking

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#41 ptekarys

Posted 28 January 2018 - 03:31 PM

I was wondering if missions spawning slow is because of the update? they used to spawn quite fast but now it seems very slow

#42 CrDraggin

Posted 28 January 2018 - 03:49 PM

Thanks for info Barrett, will review settings for AI.


Ptekarys, yes mission spawns were delayed slightly since loot was cleaning up faster than ppl could loot it. I extended that by 15 min and then slowed the missions spawn times. I think it is set to 10-20 min a new one should start.

#43 Master6655321

Posted 28 January 2018 - 10:53 PM

virt garage was fine when the plot was clear now that ive built on it it doesn't spawn vehics. I get the key back  but no truck

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#44 Trainee

Posted 01 February 2018 - 08:44 PM

My virtual garage has a new issue. When trying to recall a heli I get the message that I need a helipad to spawn air vehicles. I have the same Heli-H pad I've always had and my maintenance is up to date as of yesterday and the pad is still there.

Is there any way I can help you debug some of these issues? I'm a developer with some free time on my hands. If I knew the scripts you were using I'd be glad to research on the epochmod forums for some solutions.

#45 Captian Brian

Posted 05 February 2018 - 01:34 AM

still having issues with drone mission and that nothing is in the crate

#46 Captian Brian

Posted 05 February 2018 - 01:36 AM

also could the range of the mission be increased to around 1000 currently with the sniper rifles, when shooting from outside 600 meters, the mission will despawn before you kill them all and get to the bodies and loot. just asking
  • Excaliber_47 likes this

#47 CrDraggin

Posted 05 February 2018 - 08:58 AM

Thanks for all the reports. Will start reviewing and fixing what I can find this week. For those Arma 3 players, we have added Vector Building, fixed the tow ropes from breaking, added the ability to salvage vehicles to allow you body to fall out of of vehicles, added a new mission, and added fishing.

#48 Excaliber_47

Posted 05 February 2018 - 01:23 PM

also could the range of the mission be increased to around 1000 currently with the sniper rifles, when shooting from outside 600 meters, the mission will despawn before you kill them all and get to the bodies and loot. just asking


This so much! Happened to us a few times. Also, could we get the mission spawn in timer increased a bit? Sometimes 20 mins is a bit too long when there is more than 8-10 players on. 


One quick question, Are the "Loot boxes have spawned" markers supposed to happen during each restart or is it random? Seems right now it only happens every other or every two restarts at Kill City, Ghost Facility, and Skalinsky Island.

#49 Excaliber_47

Posted 05 February 2018 - 03:02 PM

OH and btw, PLEASE DEAR LORD dont mess with the AI spawning at Kill City or Ghost! I know its rough with just a couple players but it should be very hard for the rewards in the loot boxes. We have a small group of 5 or 6 and we go there in between missions for some fun and challenge. Sometimes we need a good butt kicking by AI lol. Dont think its intended to be able to loot all the AI bodies like a traditional mission, that would be way too much gear and kinda crazy, imo. Most of the time you have just enough time to grab a gun and ammo of AI to continue on. We really enjoy doing the static constant respawning AI there. Its one thing that attracted us all to the server....


We have also heard the secret trader requires 50k humanity, is this correct? 


Ok rambling is complete! lol

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#50 Trainee

Posted 07 February 2018 - 09:54 PM

I'm continuing to have issues with the Change Key script. For 2 helis (Ka-52 and USEC) it makes the heli bounce high and the fall causes it to explode.

Today I bought an M113 tank at the Super Hero trader. Changing the key on that caused it to explode halfway through the key change without bouncing. It took out my Wildcat full of rockets too. You might want to consider disabling this script until we can find a fix. I've lost a lot of money from key change explosions.

#51 CrDraggin

Posted 08 February 2018 - 10:17 PM

yea just need the time to dig into it and then restart server for it all. Basically is a issue for everyone running this script. Developer was looking into it, but nothing since mid January. 

#52 Canis

Posted 09 February 2018 - 11:13 PM

Maintenance still seems to be on a short cycle. A plot pole and cinder block box base placed at 8:30PM EST on 1 Feb 2018 was showing due to maintain when I logged in tonight at 11:00PM EST on 9 Feb 2018.  BEC scroll message still say 30 day maintenance, but it is coming due after only 8 days?

#53 CrDraggin

Posted 11 February 2018 - 10:28 AM

it will show, but wont be deleted till after 30. It allows people to maintain whenever they feel like it. 

#54 Treleifin

Posted 12 February 2018 - 08:05 PM

We have also heard the secret trader requires 50k humanity, is this correct? 



Here is a link for information on the secret trader:

Click Here

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#55 Excaliber_47

Posted 14 February 2018 - 11:11 AM


We have also heard the secret trader requires 50k humanity, is this correct? 



Here is a link for information on the secret trader:

Click Here


Thank you Trelefin! I have already found the secret trader. I was just trying to figure out how much humanity I need to be able to access the secret trader. I had heard in chat that 50k is required but was looking for a more solid answer. I have been saving up ALL the hemp and rockets i can find so one day i can cash in, lol!   :-D

#56 smegga

Posted 14 February 2018 - 01:48 PM

just an update of weapon and other gear that will not sell at any trader. military rifle flashlight, m-14 aim rifle, sniper rifle m24, assault rifles A85A2 and M4A1, ammo- 200rd M240 and 200rd stanag, also the missions medical supply and drone pilot are giving the boxes but boxes are often empty. any other problems i will update with. tnanx

#57 Canis

Posted 16 February 2018 - 06:55 PM

Around 6:00 or 6:30 EST tonight several people had random vehicle explosions. some while driving.  some when they got into the vehicle.  My helo and an MTVR sitting at base appears to have exploded while I was gone, based on the damage to the remaining nearby vehicles.

#58 smegga

Posted 16 February 2018 - 07:07 PM

on friday at 23:45 GMT there was a loud explosions heard in game. my armoured suv had exploded and other player started to complain about vehicles exploding for no apparent reason, Btr blew up while driving down the road, helo's when the pilot got in, this just as reported yesterday.

#59 Captian Brian

Posted 28 February 2018 - 05:10 PM

mk17 tws will not sell anywhere

#60 ptekarys

Posted 28 February 2018 - 10:05 PM

I was wondering if it is a bug or just from the new update but me and my friend were playing for an hour and a half and only 2 mission spawns

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