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Map Rotation Suggestions

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#121 _Roadie™

Posted 26 January 2022 - 08:17 PM

OK, I've only been back to playing for a week but here's a couple of thoughts:

Lose Battle for Britain. Unless one can't fly, which I have never mastered, it's a waste.

What about good old El Alemein? Both Conquest and CTF. ( or will I get flamed for mentioning it? )

Aberdeen is monotonous - at least for this old goat. I don't care to sit for five minutes waiting for the final allied to be killed.

(and don't get me start on Tobruk.  :wasnt-me:  )

Market garden is also a tad tedious when there are talented flyers in game. Not enough AA to control them. Axis has a couple close to the action but only one for allied, out in the open. (A mod maybe?)

The two CTF's in rotation, Berlin and Caen are a blast as far as I see. Lots of action.

Had fun the other night playing CTF, brought back a lot of good memories.

Maybe a couple of more CTFs.


Is there a 'votemap'? I have not seen that pop up at all.

  • Stamper likes this

#122 dodgem

Posted 27 January 2022 - 06:28 AM

OK, I've only been back to playing for a week but here's a couple of thoughts: Welcome back!

Lose Battle for Britain. Unless one can't fly, which I have never mastered, it's a waste.

What about good old El Alemein? Both Conquest and CTF. ( or will I get flamed for mentioning it? )  We generally update the rotation after Road to Rome/Secret Weapons Sundays.  El Alamein CTF has been in the rotation recently and I'm sure will be back in soon :)

Aberdeen is monotonous - at least for this old goat. I don't care to sit for five minutes waiting for the final allied to be killed. Has Aberdeen been played on Moon recently?

(and don't get me start on Tobruk.  :wasnt-me:  ) Tobruk seems to do okay for our server population.

Market garden is also a tad tedious when there are talented flyers in game. Not enough AA to control them. Axis has a couple close to the action but only one for allied, out in the open. (A mod maybe?) There are some MGs at the top of the church tower which can also help to take down planes.  You can also use the one in the building in Arnhem.

The two CTF's in rotation, Berlin and Caen are a blast as far as I see. Lots of action. Yup, I think both of these are great too.  They've been modded excellently!

Had fun the other night playing CTF, brought back a lot of good memories.

Maybe a couple of more CTFs. Most Saturday evenings EST we run a little CTF event with more than just the usual CTF maps in rotation.  Worth checking out if you haven't already!

Is there a 'votemap'? I have not seen that pop up at all. We have had map vote on in the past but it was often abused and caused the server to empty.

  • Capn Cackler likes this

#123 Stamper

Posted 27 January 2022 - 09:57 AM

OK, I've only been back to playing for a week but here's a couple of thoughts:

Lose Battle for Britain. Unless one can't fly, which I have never mastered, it's a waste.

What about good old El Alemein? Both Conquest and CTF. ( or will I get flamed for mentioning it? )

Aberdeen is monotonous - at least for this old goat. I don't care to sit for five minutes waiting for the final allied to be killed.

(and don't get me start on Tobruk.  :wasnt-me:  )

Market garden is also a tad tedious when there are talented flyers in game. Not enough AA to control them. Axis has a couple close to the action but only one for allied, out in the open. (A mod maybe?)

The two CTF's in rotation, Berlin and Caen are a blast as far as I see. Lots of action.

Had fun the other night playing CTF, brought back a lot of good memories.

Maybe a couple of more CTFs.


Is there a 'votemap'? I have not seen that pop up at all.


Britain - Tailgunning is fun....difficult, but worth it when you knock down some Spits..give it a shot! :)  Equally fun is playing defense as Allied trying to knock out the 88's and 109s.  I used to fly - A LOT - and have grown to love playing this map on ground.  


Market - I sympathize with you on this one haha.  The church MG's are great, but only for planes 'near' the church.  A MG placement in the three story building near Arnhem (that NOBODY goes into....like...ever...you know...the one with the barbed wire out at the entrance?) would be a good place to put a MG, and maybe an extra AA between those random buildings on the far right/east side of the city as well.  Those buildings there would prevent the AA from hitting Axis planes that clumsily fly directly over the river on takeoff, but anyone trying to buzz the city from east or west could be hit, which, the sole machine gun in center city has a tricky time doing due to not having a great field of vision.    I will say that the added APC's have helped tremendously because it's like having a moveable MG placement, but that's my opinion because I try to use anything to shoot back at planes and have gotten really good (at the very least) at forcing talented pilots to land and repair.  One or two cleverly placed MG's would help just a bit more, because as helpful as the APC's are, they're easily taken out by the very thing they're good for shooting at...  

  • _Roadie™ likes this

#124 Wasabi®

Posted 27 January 2022 - 12:34 PM

OK, I've only been back to playing for a week but here's a couple of thoughts:

Lose Battle for Britain. Unless one can't fly, which I have never mastered, it's a waste.

What about good old El Alemein? Both Conquest and CTF. ( or will I get flamed for mentioning it? )

Aberdeen is monotonous - at least for this old goat. I don't care to sit for five minutes waiting for the final allied to be killed.

(and don't get me start on Tobruk.  :wasnt-me:  )

Market garden is also a tad tedious when there are talented flyers in game. Not enough AA to control them. Axis has a couple close to the action but only one for allied, out in the open. (A mod maybe?)

The two CTF's in rotation, Berlin and Caen are a blast as far as I see. Lots of action.

Had fun the other night playing CTF, brought back a lot of good memories.

Maybe a couple of more CTFs.


Is there a 'votemap'? I have not seen that pop up at all.


If you like CTF be sure to check out the weekly CTF Night event which starts at around 7PM US Eastern time on Saturdays. Usually 7-8 maps are run, all CTF.

  • Highway Man and _Roadie™ like this

#125 CroCop50

Posted 19 May 2023 - 12:17 AM

Hi moonshiners, I'm usually on latenights from 10 to 12 PM ET. Map rotation goes something like this: kharkov, bocage for an hour and wake.boo.gif Can we get to see some Kursk, Bulge, Berlin, Stalin, Iwo or Omaha sometimes?


Greatly apreciated!



#126 Captain John H. Miller

Posted 19 May 2023 - 09:39 AM

Hi moonshiners, I'm usually on latenights from 10 to 12 PM ET. Map rotation goes something like this: kharkov, bocage for an hour and wake.boo.gif Can we get to see some Kursk, Bulge, Berlin, Stalin, Iwo or Omaha sometimes?


Greatly apreciated!




Bulge was a staple of the rotation until 2-3 weeks ago. It will be added back next week sunday.

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