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Moon Servers

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#161 Enforcer

Posted 02 June 2007 - 07:17 AM

Wow, pretty impressed this topic is still going. Nice to see how in the beginning, we all shared an idea, that many other people share, as it turns out.

Moon..where did we get that name? Well, when we started we were looking for something that if you ran a filter search for a name, we would have been the only games that appeared. Less confusion that way. After some debate, we settled on Moongamers as the whole Moon thing could and did, turn out to be a theme for our gaming community.

Keep up the stories, I like to see how what seem like long time players, actually found us, just like everyone else did, mostly by happenstance. And now, some have been here two years. Way to go folks. You guys are what keep us going, and keep the servers full!

#162 Why Two Kay

Posted 02 June 2007 - 04:02 PM

Moon..where did we get that name? Well, when we started we were looking for something that if you ran a filter search for a name, we would have been the only games that appeared. Less confusion that way. After some debate, we settled on Moongamers as the whole Moon thing could and did, turn out to be a theme for our gaming community.

And Comet loves his space things. :P

#163 Comet

Posted 02 June 2007 - 05:11 PM

Oddly enough I had nothing to do with the name, I was however pleasantly surprised to find out what was chosen. If I'm not mistaken there is a story that explains where Moon came from...

#164 Lin

Posted 02 June 2007 - 06:08 PM

There are actually two stories...the official one, and the one we tell everyone. :-D

#165 Pillowcase Man

Posted 02 June 2007 - 08:16 PM

Well it all started when i was in like 6th grade i think. I was searching around for servers and i found wags. I fell in love with omaha, then all of a sudden wags changed its name and it went down hill from there...i played moongamers but it wasn't the same (Back then i thought you was all noobs). i stopped playing bf1942 when they went down. Five years later or so, I then downloaded the 2142 demo and gall be darn moon had a server for it! So i was like hey i will probably no some people from wags. I then proceded to buy 2142 where i helped bring our servers to the top (at least until i got 1942). so thats my story.

#166 Why Two Kay

Posted 04 June 2007 - 09:37 AM

Well it all started when i was in like 6th grade i think. I was searching around for servers and i found wags. I fell in love with omaha, then all of a sudden wags changed its name and it went down hill from there...i played moongamers but it wasn't the same (Back then i thought you was all noobs). i stopped playing bf1942 when they went down. Five years later or so, I then downloaded the 2142 demo and gall be darn moon had a server for it! So i was like hey i will probably no some people from wags. I then proceded to buy 2142 where i helped bring our servers to the top (at least until i got 1942). so thats my story.

Five years?!?! BF1942 has only been out for five years!

#167 papaspud2142

Posted 10 June 2007 - 10:56 PM

My sister gave me a giftcard for Christmas so I decided to by a new FPS. I had been playing CS but was getting bored with getting owned all the time. So I decided to get BF2142. Man I really stunk at first. My KD ratio was like .36 :(. I also have a slow internet connection so moongamers was one of the best pings I could get. I found I liked the maps they played and kept at it and started getting better. About then good ol' snake-eyes noticed I was on alot and talked into TS and the forums. That made me feel like I was welcome and I really enjoyed reading the posts and such. I kept at it and damned if I didn't get better. Since then I have improved to become the #1 ranked Ganz MG player in the world. I feel I owe most of that to moongamers and especially to Juan (thank you very much) he has been babysittig me on my way to being a jr admin here. I think I would have gotten bored a quit long before now if it weren't for the rightous moon community and did I mention snake-eyes :). Thanks my friend. And thank you moongamers for making my gaming experience as fun as it is and for making me feel so welcome here!!!!!!!!!! And also here's one for Jimmy Jammer- USHA and the rest of the OTC gang. :weird:

#168 mister(T)P

Posted 20 June 2007 - 01:55 AM

When i started playing this game i was a nade spammer. So i found a nice server called Wagogees where i could throw many nades with good effects. It was the only server i could get medals :wasnt-me: . Unfortunate enough some admins couldnt stand my KDR and nade rain. So i got banned from wagogees. Then i started playing on Nateos, which was a nice server with 64 players for most off the time. But i got banned too for tk'ing a tk'er. So i started playing on a new server called moongamers mostly omaha cq. I think i started playing on this server in 2005. Since then i never got kicked or banned again and i loved the server. played more than 2 years on these wonderful servers. But since half a year i went away to a new server. Because i have a much better ping over there (19). With better ping its much more fun to play. But i still like moongamers and sometimes i join to play a few games. so keep on the good work.

Ps Delete market garden please what a ugly map

#169 kip

Posted 28 June 2007 - 06:45 PM

Well I played SWG for 4 years had 5 accounts then they nerfed my Jedi to the dirt and any noobie that bought the game could start out as one. That kinda killed that for me. I had bought a new video card and BF1942 came with it. I had never played so I installed just for something to do moon was the first server that came up. I loged in and just had a ball charging the hill lol. Then I heard about BF2 so I went and got that loged in to the moon server and went to town. Oman is home now I have SF just never use it lol. I dont even thing I have played all the maps. The only other maps I play is when Oman changes to something else. I think the first time i ever loged in to TS is becouse I got myself banned for hiding under a stairwell to go the bath room i had no idea it was a hack/glitch lol Lin had to get me unbanned. Been here ever since.

#170 MXsoBx

Posted 21 March 2008 - 07:25 AM


#171 spookyload

Posted 21 March 2008 - 09:54 AM

I used to play all over the place. Whatever server had a good ping and a decent amount of players. I stumbled into the Warlord server one day and played a round. Right away I was getting owned by some guy glitching the palace. I saw four admin in the game, typed a message and he was gone. Next round another tard did the same thing(this was when wall glitching was in fashion). Same results for that guy. I loved the fact rules were enforced. I saw lots of admin and REGs playing in their own servers all the time. I loved it. If teams were unbalanced they would move guys around to even it out. Basically I saw maturity in a game that was full of inmature players. There was a group of very friendly people always willing to chat, play, and have fun. Just to name drop a bit...MXsoBX, Mike080697, Shine_Runner, Anode, all of the Voodoo's, Jean, Lin, Bill, Calliper, summens, Hacker, and many others. Players like these are why I stayed.

#172 11th Field

Posted 21 March 2008 - 12:54 PM

I used to play Warbirds as much as possible unitl it died out. This new game called battlefield 1942 came out, and my computer couldn't handle it. I stopped online gaming about that same time.
I was over at my sister's house and my nephew was playing this game on the Omaha map. I was hooked. This was about 3+ years ago. I bought a newer computer and the game, started playing all the maps then bought the expansions and played them too. I then tried online for a while but was put off because of the lack of rules and the language ( 4 young kids in the house).
I stumbled onto moongamers because of the CQ Omaha room. CQ is a radio morse code signal meaning "general call" or "anyone there", this is used in trying to make contact with anyone out there "on air". Yes I am an amateur radio operator.
The admins were enforcing wlang and this immediately caught my attention as I don't allow swearing in my house. It does happen from time to time but it is frowned upon. I thought, if this is a place I would let my kids play, then it's ok for me. They are many times watching over my shoulder while online. Now the 2 oldest boys can play on their own systems.
I am hooked on Moon. Being an admin has been and chore and a blessing as it has taught me more patience.


#173 Ub3r Sk!ll

Posted 21 March 2008 - 02:07 PM

lol mines a short story,

well one afternoon i just bored as hell... nothing to do so i went on CSS i looked for a deathmatch and guess wat i found moongamers deathmatch so yeah i added it to my favs
the best part about the server was that you can kill as much as you want and get up to like 400 kills but the bad [art was 2 things, hackers, and uber lags...

very short story :P

#174 Ghost Slayer3235

Posted 21 March 2008 - 11:18 PM

First time I played the game I loaded a list of the servers and saw this one. I noticed I nearly never lagged on it, and the people were pretty nice. I've been using MoonGamers servers 100% of the time I play now.

#175 Deathman

Posted 22 March 2008 - 12:07 AM

*Before I got involved in the FPS games, I played/continue to play RTS games like the original Age of Empires and the first Command & Conquer.*

Think my first FPS game I ever played was Red Faction and the original Medal of Honor, both for the PS2. Got my first taste of a good MMO-FPS from playing Halo. After being forbidden to buy Halo (but still be able to play it) on the account that it was too violent (if you've ever played either Red Faction I or II, you’re probably saying to yourself "wtf?" I was too :lol: ), I started searching for a good MMO-FPS game to play. After running across a BF1942+RtR pack (bought SW later) in Walmart (where America shops! <_< ), I was able to convince my parents that it wasn't too "violent" and since it dealt with History that it could be educational (which I have, thanks to BF1942, learned quite a bit.)! My parents gave in and I downloaded it the day I bought it and beat the single player mode in a day or two. I found that I enjoyed maps dealing with D-Day since Medal of Honor Frontline and soon came to love the Omaha Beach map. Once I felt that I understood the game enough I went through several frustrating weeks trying to play online only to realize that a patch had been released and was required. :bangin:

Found the Wagoogees servers and played there till it went down, then FMG, till that went down. After FMG went down I didn't know where to look and which servers to try in order to find all the friends I made there. About a year or so later i picked the game back up and decided to give it a shot. Found this crazy server with a equally crazy name called Moongamers Mostly CQ Omaha :cowdance:. The first time I played here I saw Tank and wasn’t sure if my eyes where playing tricks so I came back to the server on another day and there was a person named LIFER in game and I was completely blown away and I couldn’t believe that I’d found a place where two people from Wag where. After finding out that a good portion of the people from Wag moved here I made it my favorite and have hence played here always! So now I make new friends while keeping in touch with the old, and I’m happy/proud to call Moongamers my home! :D

#176 MaYoRofSMACK

Posted 22 March 2008 - 04:06 AM

I played the Wake demo & fell in love with the game. (That was what, six years ago now?)
Played on any server going, as i had no favourite servers/maps back then. It soon became clear that Market Garden was the best map going, so i played a alot of that. Then i discovered Desert Combat, which blew me away & i spent all my time playing that mod. Joined a few different clans in both Europe & the US & played in every clan league going. After a while, me & a few 'on-line friends' started up our own clan (The MaYoR's) & ravaged everyone on DC. After DC.5 (i think) Market Garden no longer worked on DC so i used to venture back onto vanila every now & then to play on Market (most probably on Moon, but i never took much notice at the time)

In late 06 early 07 DC died, all the old regualrs moved on to other games. The Mayors server emptied & the clan pretty much died off with the mod. (We did try to go into BF2 & BF2142 but it just wasn't as fun) So i was left rather bored & decided to play vanila a bit more. That was when i noticed a certain MoonGamers server, which seemed to play Market Garden a lot, so i jumped in. Loved the relaxed atmosphere (not loads of bitching & whining after everydeath) & the quick spawn times. Started speaking to people like Doc, Luose & History of Violence & just felt 'at home'

After sometime gaming on the CQ server i finally noticed the website & came to check it out. I clicked the 'MoonGamers' tab & had a read of how it all started, then clicked the 'community' tab & was just blown away. I never knew that Moon was so big & i just had to be a part of it. Signed upto the forum & got a nice warm welcome, then nipped on TS & got another warm welcome off someone called Lin. I came to check on here who Lin was & it turns out she's one of the 'top dogs' around here. :lol: (The fact that someone so high ranking at Moon, took time out to come & welcome me to the Moon was amazing & made me fall in love with the place even more.)

So erm... yeah, that's about it & now i'm here to stay. :D
Hope i didn't bore anybody, as i tend to ramble on a bit & go all round the reeking to get to my point. :cowmoo:

#177 Pink Panther

Posted 22 March 2008 - 08:00 PM

Got BF2 a couple years ago for Christmas. I bounced around until I realized that damn, Oman is the greatest map... MG was the only server that played the beauty 24/7. :D

Played there then realized it was amazing, the rules were perfect for people like me and stayed ever since. :P

#178 mexican eskimo

Posted 27 March 2008 - 07:34 PM

well i used to game on this server that had a low ping and ran berlin and stalingrad, i loved both. One day i got a permanent ban and stopped playing it. About a year ago i picked it back up, and started playing here cause i liked omaha, low ping, many players.
(changed my name a while back cause kept getting kicked for inappropriate one day by an admin even though wasnt bad) i came to moon.com cause of a ban and i stuck around

#179 summens

Posted 28 March 2008 - 09:32 AM

Got BF2 a couple years ago for Christmas. I bounced around until I realized that damn, Oman is the greatest map... MG was the only server that played the beauty 24/7. :D

Played there then realized it was amazing, the rules were perfect for people like me and stayed ever since. :P

same here, just change oman with karkand :P

#180 canucklehead

Posted 10 June 2008 - 06:52 PM

Hey been playing for about a year, Yeah thats right I am a major noob just starting out in online gaming. Being 42 there was not allot of this around in my day. Anyway I go by the name canucklehead online and just found this to be the most enjoyable server for playing straight maps with no BS. The rules are great and if your just online to play and have a good time this is the place!! Thanks and look forward to seeing you all online. PS how can I change my name here to canucklehead??? thats what I play with now just wondering. Cheers

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