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No-Scoping/Quick Scoping... and beyond!

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#1 phace

Posted 24 September 2012 - 02:25 PM

Please see my previous post, http://www.moongamer...showtopic=59401, for any references made to "counter-strafing."

Abstract: No-Scoping with a sniper rifle is wildly inaccurate, but counter-strafing and visualization can improve accuracy/kill rates by at least 50%. Additionally, quick-scoping can improve your survival/success as a sniper by multiple factors if practiced enough.

Problem: The cone of fire on a sniper rifle when not scoped in is huge. It measures roughly 2 inches (radius) / 4 inches in diameter on your computer screen. This obviously leaves a lot to be desired in those "oh crap!" moments when you turn a corner and see an enemy. Similarly, quick-scoping can help you beat another sniper to the punch even if he has the jump on you or is peaking a corner that you enter from.

Solution: No-scoping, quick-scoping

How: For no-scoping, you must employ the method mentioned in the article referenced above. Using the technique outlined in that article, combined with one additional detail will greatly improve your ability to use the sniper rifle as a normal rifle. The additional detail being memorizing where the cross hair should be on your screen. Some people go so far as to mark their computer screens with a dot, post-it note scrap, etc. The best way to do this is to switch between your pistol and sniper rifle and try to train your brain/eyes to know where that cross hair is even when it is not on the screen. This is helpful because it can give you a general idea of where your bullet should go when you pull the trigger on a sniper rifle while no-scoping. Although applying both counter-strafing and cross hair memorization can greatly improve accuracy, the sniper rifle is still wildly inaccurate; however, you will at least be placing your shots with strategy rather than randomly firing, therefore greatly improving your accuracy overall.

For quick-scoping, you only need to apply the concept of knowing where the cross hair should be. Knowing where your cross hair should be allows you to aim your sniper rifle at a target before scoping in. Doing this allows you to scope in virtually already zeroed in on your target, making it so all you have to do is pull the trigger. Worst case scenario, you need to correct your aim after scoping in, but only by fractions of an inch versus entire screen lengths. This makes a sniper more accurate and much quicker overall.

Testing the Concept: Same as the rifling technique article referenced above.

Learning Curve: 10/10 for difficulty. no-scoping is not really too difficult since it is still largely based on chance; however, quick-scoping is a very refined skill and can take a lot of practice to get the aiming and timing down.

Conclusion: Practice. Nailing these techniques will improve your accuracy and speed as a sniper as well as provide you with greater survivability in close quarters encounters.


#2 Sgt. NoScope

Posted 24 September 2012 - 04:17 PM

I approve this message :P

#3 Redshirt

Posted 29 September 2012 - 12:06 PM

Thanks for the articles Phace. While I'm not a rifleman or sniper, knowing the techniques the really proficient ones use can be helpful.

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