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My brother, cousin, uncle, dog, parrot did it

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#1 bondmaster

Posted 20 June 2006 - 12:17 AM

Moon regards the "my brother did it" as a weak defense on the part of a kicked/banned player. We consider that each player who comes to Moon is responsible for his/her own CD hash or Steam account, no matter who else uses it to play our servers. If PunkBuster and Steam are unable to determine whether Freddy or George used the account, so are we. If a player is temp or perm banned because of the actions of someone else using his account it will normally stand as given, because there is no way to tell if s/he is telling the truth. You also run the added risk of "hey you unbanned Jimmy because his brother did it but you won't unban me? My brother did it too!" New brothers, cousins, uncles, dogs will come out of the woodwork in order for banned players to access Moon again, and unbanning one undermines the consistency of the policy.

(origionally written by Lin)

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