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change controls?

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#1 Zap Rowsdower

Posted 05 July 2020 - 03:17 PM

when trying to change anything on bf42,all i can change it to is "mouse 3" . nothing else responds. i read my manual and nothing helps. i know i did it once since i used to have my crouch button as caps lock. i lost this when i got fed up with tool tips popping up one too many times...it changed to mouse 3 and i had to go back to default.

mouse three pops up when i normally click the box,i am not pressing the wheel.


is this user error or my wonky computer?

#2 Capn Cackler

Posted 06 July 2020 - 05:31 PM

A quick test would be to use a different mouse to see if it may be a technical issue.


Just for clarification, when you click on a control to change it, does it instantly change to mouse 3 or does it not accept any other key presses?

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#3 Zap Rowsdower

Posted 07 July 2020 - 07:47 PM

instantly changes to mouse three.

its stuck like that until i reset to default.


i dont have another mouse, but that may be the issue. my computer is a windows 7 one and the mouse is the same vintage. i'lll see about picking one up next time i am out.

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