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Custom Maps Reviewed - Old Classics

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#1 Keller

Posted 08 August 2011 - 09:22 AM

Over the weekend Lin was kind enough to download a couple of the maps that I requested; I grabbed them from the Download page and had a run around in each of them.

Maps Tested:


Here's what I found:


Map layout is very similar to the original, original ladder to church tower was not included in this remake.

Original Objectives: The Allies had to capture documents from the church near the Axis spawn and return them safely to the Allies base. If killed while holding documents they would be returned to the church automatically when touched by an Axis player. Axis had to take the key from the area near their spawn (hidden in crates), open a door near the Allied base, get TnT and blow up the halftrack.

In the remake the coding involved to create this gameplay mode is either missing from Source or just not done properly. Allies now capture a briefcase from the church and take it back to the halftrack where they use TnT (Inside the briefcase?) to blow up a radio in the back of the halftrack. Axis have to grab the key from on top of crates, unlock the door, grab some TnT, and blow up the halftrack.

It took me a few minutes to realize the change in gameplay and I doubt that people who didn't play the original would ever figure it out.

Conclusion: Not a good map for our servers.


Map layout is pretty much identical to the original, I think there are one or two less airplane models used in this version though. Framerates are a little low in a couple of areas but I doubt that would take away from the playability.

Conclusion: Worth a try for sure.


One of my personal favorites from early DoD releases, this map is done quite well, though not an exact copy of the original. True to the original the dimly lit areas of the map are still there, along with the bridge (key choke point) and the church tower (strategic vantage point) near the Allies spawn. Framerates are good, though the textures used are slightly bland compared to the capabilities of Source.

Conclusion: Another one that's worth a try.


I have to admit that only the name of this map was familiar to me until I actually tried the map for myself. The memories started coming back to me as I played, but I have to admit there are still areas of the map that seem unfamiliar to me.

This is one of those rare maps where Allies are on attack and Axis have to defend. As the key points are captured new areas of the map are opened up by Allied bombing runs; the spawns also move with the Allies spawns advancing and the Axis spawns retreating. First point is the fountain, next three Tiger tanks have to be destroyed by 2 bazooka hits each, and finally the church has to be captured. I can remember some very intense battles on this map and I would love to experience that again. The only downside I've found with this map is the shine on top of the snow. For those in snowy climates it looks like when a snowstorm is followed by freezing rain and you get that shiny ice crust on top of the fresh snow. Other than the strange snow the map looks amazing.

Conclusion: Probably the best of the 4 maps listed, definitely a must try.


#2 Perculator

Posted 08 August 2011 - 09:41 AM

I remember Zalec being pretty darn fun, as long as the teams were reasonably balanced. Similar to the new Jagd. Unbalanced teams can lead to some frustration.

I'll need to download these and run through them real quick sometime. Looking foward to playing some more older maps. Baum has been fun to play again.

#3 Redshirt

Posted 08 August 2011 - 10:24 AM

I'll pull some of these down Keller and have a look see! Thanks for the input.

#4 dj_spleen

Posted 08 August 2011 - 12:16 PM

Ive been on alot late night when no one else is on running threw random maps, will these be on the manni/sm or do I have to download as well?

#5 Keller

Posted 08 August 2011 - 04:14 PM

I believe Lin will be putting them on all the DoD:S servers; or at least the main two.

Meanwhile you can just download them and create a LAN game.

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