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Original Moongamers founders

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#1 studly

Posted 03 December 2018 - 09:26 AM

Hi all,

Are any of the original founders still haunting the site? Lin, Enforcer, Comet, etc. or have they moved on??


#2 Rubulator

Posted 03 December 2018 - 09:56 AM

Lin still mans.. or wo-mans the helm... 

#3 studly

Posted 03 December 2018 - 10:57 AM

Cool. Thanks! I'll have to reach out to her directly.

She and I go back to the beginning. I start Wagoogees, she started Moongamers. We merged in 2005 and I cannot believe it's still here after all these years.

#4 Rubulator

Posted 03 December 2018 - 12:46 PM

Ahhh… is that the waggs forever I see from time to time?

#5 studly

Posted 03 December 2018 - 01:59 PM

Lol. Most likely.

#6 dodgem

Posted 03 December 2018 - 05:58 PM

Ahhh… is that the waggs forever I see from time to time?


Yup.  Wags4ever became a self-kick word here as a throw-back for those who came from Wags during the merge.  It never left the self-kick word list and, as you say, it's still used from time to time.


I think DerRaucher came from Wags as I remember him using the self-kick word fairly regularly.  But I might be wrong on that and I haven't seen DerRaucher in quite a while. 


Perhaps studly will recognise his name.

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#7 Lin

Posted 03 December 2018 - 09:16 PM

[email protected] doesn't work at this time, I'll PM you an alternate. 


Great to see you!


Enforcer is still around, just playing other games. Comet up and got married, we hardly see him around here any more. 


I've been away for a couple of weeks, my HDD is throwing errors and I've been too busy to look at it. Post-divorce cleanup is keeping me pretty busy these days. 

#8 Wasabi®

Posted 03 December 2018 - 10:58 PM

Thanks for stopping by! Wagoogee's was always full, enjoyed playing CQ from time to time

#9 studly

Posted 04 December 2018 - 12:34 PM

Hey Lin! Happy holidays to you and Moongamers. Michael (cowhead) says hi also.

I'm really astonished to see you and some of the real oldies (that means you Wasabi) still holding up the fort. I do see a few others like bondmaster still checking in now and then. I was thinking about installing 1942 again and giving it a whirl and thought of you. I play mostly Fortnite nowadays but the best gaming years for me will always be back then when we had a full community without the spam and griefers.

Anyway, let me know if donations are needed, I'll be glad to help.


#10 dodgem

Posted 04 December 2018 - 01:26 PM

Hey Lin! Happy holidays to you and Moongamers. Michael (cowhead) says hi also.

I'm really astonished to see you and some of the real oldies (that means you Wasabi) still holding up the fort. I do see a few others like bondmaster still checking in now and then. I was thinking about installing 1942 again and giving it a whirl and thought of you. I play mostly Fortnite nowadays but the best gaming years for me will always be back then when we had a full community without the spam and griefers.

Anyway, let me know if donations are needed, I'll be glad to help.


Please say hi to Cowhead from me, studly. Would be much appreciated! I played with him on the odd occasion he ventured into TDM and then, if I remember correctly, a lot on the DC server.

Thanks and hope you see you (and him) in game!

#11 cowhead_cow

Posted 04 December 2018 - 02:29 PM

Hi dodgem, Lin, Wasabi :-) Hope you're all doing well! I've jumped on here and lurked a few times throughout the years. I still have nostalgia for the '42 days and hanging out on Moongamers 24/7. I love that the "what are you listening to" thread is still going strong 13 years later.

#12 Wasabi®

Posted 07 December 2018 - 12:24 AM

Hello Cowhead!


Some of the old players occasionally show up on the server. I've seen 1_ShOt_KiLL on more than a few times in the last month or two...

#13 dodgem

Posted 07 December 2018 - 04:56 AM

Hi dodgem, Lin, Wasabi :-) Hope you're all doing well! I've jumped on here and lurked a few times throughout the years. I still have nostalgia for the '42 days and hanging out on Moongamers 24/7. I love that the "what are you listening to" thread is still going strong 13 years later.

Hey Cow! Good to see you.

Yeah, as Wasabi said, quite a few old and older players pop in. I've seen Death Trap, Donovan for TD, 1SK and others in the past year.

Would be great to see you in game at some point - Sundays are expansion pack days and afternoons Eastern time is when the server really starts to pick up. Although getting in game has been made more difficult (Gamespy server list shut down, Windows 10 etc), it's still not actually too bad. Plus, you can download everything for free!:


#14 bondmaster

Posted 14 December 2018 - 01:30 AM

Cool. Thanks! I'll have to reach out to her directly.

She and I go back to the beginning. I start Wagoogees, she started Moongamers. We merged in 2005 and I cannot believe it's still here after all these years.


It amazes me too Studly... 2005 was eons ago! :)

#15 Lin

Posted 22 December 2018 - 08:27 PM

Hey guys!


Just got back online with this computer, so I can hit the forum again. Dodgem has the files you need to get back online. 


Wags forever! :D



#16 Tarawa/Troutzilla

Posted 24 December 2018 - 09:55 PM

Been here since July 2004......Semper Fi is not a slogan, it'a a living legacy !!


Happy Holidays Ya'll

#17 Doc_UK

Posted 29 December 2018 - 07:59 PM

Hi Studly!  Hi all!


I had some free time over the holidays so I've been dipping back into the game after a while of being away. It's good to see the community still around.

Yes Dodgem, DerRaucher was one of our regulars at Wags.


I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and have a happy new year!





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Posted 14 January 2019 - 12:20 AM

Hey Doc!! I remember getting free medical advice from you when my dog scratched my eye..lol. Would love to get killed by Deathtrap again with his 100+ ping..great player

#19 5thparadave

Posted 22 January 2019 - 01:34 AM

Can’t believe moongamers is still going strong! Started playing when I was a kid. Now I have a kid haha! I’ll have to have another dabble soon but far less free time nowadays!

Doc - it’s been ages! Nice to see you on here.
  • Lin, Rubulator and Highway Man like this

#20 Rapid Fire

Posted 08 March 2019 - 01:53 PM

OMG its dave!!!

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