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#1 sagittarii

Posted 03 June 2008 - 09:38 AM

Hi Moon,

My name is Stephan (Steve) and I live in Austria, Europe. Im 22 years old and go to Vienna's Business School, I study economics there (and I need some english courses, I know). My interests are sports (skiing and sailing), nightlife, history, politics, gaming (of course), languages (latin, french and english) and so on and so forth...
My jobs were skiing and sailing instructor, waiter, cellphone salesman, promotions, manager of clubbings and events and so on and so forth...

Ive never been a real gamer, tried a few old games like Unreal Tournament and Guild Wars (omg thats crap) and so on, but Ive never played video games that much. Then I found BF1942 and this wonderful community. I enjoy everyday logging in the forums and the servers. BF2 was a present of my cousin, I tried it, but I dont like it as much as I love 42.

As I already said, I live in good old Europe and have never been to US yet. Ive to work on that :D But it is very interesting to hear you guys on TS, your thoughts and your worries about the world and your contries. To be honest, I dont like US since the two "wars" (they are illegal, so they are not really wars, but thats an other story and would be off topic), but this community and especially you guys showed me respect for cultures and the other side of the american way of life.

In the future, I wanna be a mixture of Birney, Lin and a bit of DAN_DALY (but I definitely want Lin's voice if I was a female). No, kidding :D
In the future, I wanna be a loving dad and husband, successful businessman and owner of a Volvo Ocean 60 Racer (sailingboat) or a billionaire to win the America's Cup (most traditional and oldest sport competition of modern times).

All in all, Im an average 22-year-old guy who enjoys life... :D

P.S. If someone of Moongamers is in Austria, feel free to contact me. I can offer a free bed and a breakfast (No worries, I wont kill you or lock you up in my basement)

semper fidelis

#2 summens

Posted 03 June 2008 - 09:45 AM

semper fidelis

loyal to moongamers?

welcome stephan ^_^

#3 Chernenkov

Posted 03 June 2008 - 09:46 AM

Is that offer open to people in England? Austria is a beautiful country. I use to live there many years ago.

#4 sagittarii

Posted 03 June 2008 - 09:59 AM

semper fidelis

loyal to moongamers?

welcome stephan ^_^

semper fidelis=always happy faithful

of course Im a loyal MoonGamer ;)

Is that offer open to people in England? Austria is a beautiful country. I use to live there many years ago.

you have been living here? didnt know that...yes, of course! visit me and you will have an awesome time :D

#5 Comet

Posted 03 June 2008 - 10:18 AM

Woot Stephan, love playin with ya....oops, that sounds erotic. :wasnt-me:

Thanks for telling us a little about yourself. I love my Euro friends, they're always a blast to play with and considering the crappy ping you fellas deal with you have a great attitude while in game.

All the best!


#6 JeanPuetz

Posted 03 June 2008 - 10:27 AM

servus my friend :applaud:

everytime glad to talk to you in ts..


#7 dodgem

Posted 03 June 2008 - 10:31 AM

Hi Steve! I liked the basement reference. I have a strange sense of humour :blink:

P.S. Your English is near perfect.


Posted 03 June 2008 - 10:59 AM

Sup' Steve,

As I've said before, great having you onboard and doing battle with ya on the beach, deen or whatever the map may be. Thanks for the RL info it's always interesting receiving some background details about the people we spend time with here in our gaming community.

In the future, I wanna be a mixture of Birney, Lin and a bit of DAN_DALY (but I definitely want Lin's voice if I was a female). No, kidding :D

These three people wrapped into one??? Oh man, I'm gonna have trouble sleeping tonight! :rofl:

But seriously Steve thanks for your kind compliment M8!

Semper Fidelis, if I may set the record straight, is the United States Marine Corps motto which means always faithfull. Live by this code and it will carry you far with your future plans Steve. :lol:

#9 Fitztroyer

Posted 04 June 2008 - 05:47 AM

Odi linguam latinae. Non est possum mihi dicere tibi cur sim, sed credo te amandus linguam. Urbs Romae est quam pulcherrimus; cupio redire mox. Feleciter, Sagitare! Feleciter cum tuum docens linguae latinae!


#10 sagittarii

Posted 04 June 2008 - 05:51 AM

Odi linguam latinae. Non est possum mihi dicere tibi cur sim, sed credo te amandus linguam. Urbs Romae est quam pulcherrimus; cupio redire mox. Feleciter, Sagitare! Feleciter cum tuum docens linguae latinae!


Urbs Vindobonae est wuam pulcherrimus, non Romae!

I can read and understand, but Ive never learned writing, unfortunately...Ita est, amando linguam latinum :)

Vale! Fitztroius!

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