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Major virus hitting april first?????

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#1 RnROutl@w

Posted 31 March 2009 - 03:00 PM

Hey folks anyone now anything about this badboy? The conficker worm/virus?? Suppose to wreck havoc on April 1st. I just heard about it but I figure someone here must now more about it. Should we be worried? and is it one of those you have to DL it or open an attachment to get infected?

Cheers :bbb:

#2 RockyTop

Posted 31 March 2009 - 03:03 PM

April Fools?

#3 Sylvannerese

Posted 31 March 2009 - 03:10 PM

Yes you should be worried. Conficker has infected about 20 million computers and it can steal passwords and personal information. Also, the virus, when activated (April 1st) will search for updates (instructions) from 50,000 different websites. Once it has these updates it will mess with your computer at which point normal anti virus may not work.

You would probably have to download it somehow (it is spreading quickly through USB drives) but it's hard to tell because it doesn't show the normal systems of a virus. i.e I't doesn't really slow down your computer but instead is blocking security features such as your anti virus, safe mode, windows restore points, and firewalls.

Before midnight, download and run this tool http://www.symantec....-011316-0247-99
A quick way to check if you have it is to try booting your computer in safe mode, because the virus won't allow it.

Here's some more info.


This is a very dangerous virus, it's not an April's Fool joke. However, the remote user who activates the virus could decide not to do anything, but if he went through the time to program the thing and have it be able to search 50,000 sites for updates, I'm pretty sure I'd take actions.


#4 RnROutl@w

Posted 31 March 2009 - 03:48 PM

Yes you should be worried. Conficker has infected about 20 million computers and it can steal passwords and personal information. Also, the virus, when activated (April 1st) will search for updates (instructions) from 50,000 different websites. Once it has these updates it will mess with your computer at which point normal anti virus may not work.

You would probably have to download it somehow (it is spreading quickly through USB drives) but it's hard to tell because it doesn't show the normal systems of a virus. i.e I't doesn't really slow down your computer but instead is blocking security features such as your anti virus, safe mode, windows restore points, and firewalls.

Before midnight, download and run this tool http://www.symantec....-011316-0247-99
A quick way to check if you have it is to try booting your computer in safe mode, because the virus won't allow it.

Here's some more info.


This is a very dangerous virus, it's not an April's Fool joke. However, the remote user who activates the virus could decide not to do anything, but if he went through the time to program the thing and have it be able to search 50,000 sites for updates, I'm pretty sure I'd take actions.


So if you by chance have it already will your computer not boot in safe mode today? or after april 1?

#5 Sylvannerese

Posted 31 March 2009 - 03:55 PM

If you have the virus it will prevent you from starting in safe mode. I could on my computer but I ran the checker just to be safe.

If it is already on your computer and you don't do anything about it then you could lose personal info, passwords, etc...

Also be sure to scan USB drives because the virus hides itself on those and then infects other computers. Whoever wrote it is really good at programming. Microsoft is offering $250,000 to whoever can supply info leading to their arrest.

#6 Scoop1967 - Dan

Posted 31 March 2009 - 05:19 PM

Symantec (Norton) Removal Tool
Click Here to Download

Symantec Article
Click Here

#7 RockyTop

Posted 31 March 2009 - 07:22 PM

This is not good news. My computer wouldn't boot up yesterday at all. I couldn't fix it, and I had to send it in to get checked out.

#8 RnROutl@w

Posted 31 March 2009 - 07:27 PM

So technically the only way to fix if the removal tool doesn't work would be a complete format and reinstall :angry:

#9 Sylvannerese

Posted 31 March 2009 - 08:09 PM

I wouldn't go to those extreme measures unless absolutely necessary. If you have it, run the removal tool scanner and it should eliminate the threat. Remember, it isn't going active until after midnight so if you feel that you might have the virus, run the tool and try to get rid of it that way. Then try your system restore points with combinations of anti virus software. If nothing works, try to back up what you can and reformat.

#10 mexican eskimo

Posted 31 March 2009 - 09:21 PM

guess im going to have to set my computer clock back so it doesnt hit april, back to winter.

#11 Rick

Posted 31 March 2009 - 10:37 PM

I am taking this seriously as well,
but anyone suspect another Y2K? Well, Rocky I dont think the virus would have done that, however I am not positive.
Best of luck all...few hours

#12 Base Ball Bear

Posted 01 April 2009 - 12:25 AM

guess im going to have to set my computer clock back so it doesnt hit april, back to winter.

Don't bother, man. They're saying it won't have an effect. The guy controlling the virus can choose to set it off whenever, not relying on the infected system's clock.

Thanks for the links guys.

#13 bogeydeadsix

Posted 01 April 2009 - 05:27 AM

The log data and network captures from the honey pot machines at the lab so far have done nothing but add a bunch of places it can get updates from.

#14 Colonel_Flagg

Posted 01 April 2009 - 08:08 AM

The log data and network captures from the honey pot machines at the lab so far have done nothing but add a bunch of places it can get updates from.

Then anyone that set up a honet-net/pot with accurate data contained therein is a moron. Honey pots/nets don't allow access in nor allow access to, legitimate files. They may contain a filename looked for by the malicious software, but that filename doesn't contain the data it needs to do "X".


#15 Sylvannerese

Posted 01 April 2009 - 03:07 PM

My shop teacher recorded something from 60 minutes last night about the Conficker virus. Apparently it is also a keylogger so if your computer is infected it sends your usernames and passwords back to the remote computer. I doubt they will activate the virus April 1st, he'll probably do it when there's less pressure. Also everyone's guard will be down because a lot of people will be thinking "Oh, I survived April Fools, I don't have to worry anymore."

I've heard rumors, not confirmed though, that Verizon got hit and you should be careful checking your email if you have Verizon. However I haven't found anything to back this up so it could very well just be talk.

However from the 60 minutes episode, CBS had the Conficker virus on their network.

#16 RnROutl@w

Posted 01 April 2009 - 06:21 PM

My shop teacher recorded something from 60 minutes last night about the Conficker virus. Apparently it is also a keylogger so if your computer is infected it sends your usernames and passwords back to the remote computer. I doubt they will activate the virus April 1st, he'll probably do it when there's less pressure. Also everyone's guard will be down because a lot of people will be thinking "Oh, I survived April Fools, I don't have to worry anymore."

I've heard rumors, not confirmed though, that Verizon got hit and you should be careful checking your email if you have Verizon. However I haven't found anything to back this up so it could very well just be talk.

However from the 60 minutes episode, CBS had the Conficker virus on their network.

I ran that tool you had the link for and everything came back clean!!! Hopefully it stays that way! My question now is why do people create things like this? I mean will they use the info collected to empty people bank accounts and whatnot?? Or is it more of because they can type of thing?

#17 Sylvannerese

Posted 01 April 2009 - 06:27 PM

It depends. There's multiple reasons.

Some people do it just because they want to see if they can.
Others try to do it because they want to gain money.
Some people do it just because they hate other people. On the 60 minutes episode there was one hacking group that was anti-American and their homepage was a burning American flag which made me sick.
Then there's a few people that think they will get hired by a good company if they see their skills in programming by making these viruses, which as of lately, has instead been getting them arrested.

Anyway, glad your computer is clean. I ran mine again today just to be sure that nothing came through.

#18 RnROutl@w

Posted 01 April 2009 - 07:33 PM

It depends. There's multiple reasons.

Some people do it just because they want to see if they can.
Others try to do it because they want to gain money.
Some people do it just because they hate other people. On the 60 minutes episode there was one hacking group that was anti-American and their homepage was a burning American flag which made me sick.
Then there's a few people that think they will get hired by a good company if they see their skills in programming by making these viruses, which as of lately, has instead been getting them arrested.

Anyway, glad your computer is clean. I ran mine again today just to be sure that nothing came through.

Thats crazy!! Anyway thanks again for the info :beer:

#19 No_Nickname

Posted 02 April 2009 - 08:58 PM

Checked mine the night before and then again on April 1st, both came back clean on the laptop, now I just have to check the PC


Posted 03 April 2009 - 06:16 AM

No problems with mine so far. But on the morning of April 1st, I was looking outside the house where my internet cable is buried and enters my home, when I spotted this.
Posted Image
A worm, and I knew he was heading for my internet connection, so I took care of that worm/virus. All is well as of now.
Keeping an eye out still :blink:

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