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Processor Overclocking

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#1 PVT. Craig

Posted 21 July 2009 - 03:08 AM

I've been wanting to overclock my processor for awhile but it always seemed like something that was out of my league but recently the thought of possibly having my computer run a little faster without having to go through the process of buying a new computer or upgrading sounds pretty good to me. I really don't know much about doing it and the last thing i want to do is do more harm to my computer than good so first, before I can even attempt at overclocking I need to know how.

I'll list my computer specs from what CPU-Z says.

Processor: Intel Celeron 1200 MHZ
Code name: Tualatin
Package Socket 370 FC-PGA2
Manufacturer: Trigem Computer, inc
Model: Lomita
Chipset: Intel i810E

If there is any more information that's required I'll gladly give it. I've read around the net that with the processor I currently have i can manage about 1.5 ghz at most and from what I've tried the Bios seems to be resistant to overclocking entirely, but then again I really have no idea what I'm looking for so that could be the case, any help is appreciated.

#2 Rick

Posted 21 July 2009 - 07:12 AM

Well, if your bios does want to work that is bad for overclocking since that is generally the safest way since you get accurate readings, however, depending on your motherboard manufacturor you may have an application that is downloadable that will allow you to overclock. I have an Asus board and I have a few different applications I can use such as TurboZ, AMD Overdrive, AI Suite, however none of those will work for you but go to you manufacturors motherboard page and see if there is any software an that everything is updated. Since your chip is old, it will be harder to find overclocking sites that have reviews for your chip and motherboard. Remember, just to follow a few steps.

Go in small increments, I assume you can only change the speed(200-600?) and not the multiplyer correct?
Double check ALL of your settings! One mistake can fry your processor.
I cant find the max voltage, you may have to call intel or find it online, NEVER OVERVOLT your processor.
Make sure you have sufficient cooling and watch the temps.
Download PRIME95 and run it for preferably 8-12 hours, generally done overnight while you are asleep. If your computer BSOD, Crashes, the new clock speed failed.
Download a program called CORETEMP or any other temp recording software while running PRIME95 during the OC.
I generally manually set the processor voltage in, auto can sometimes put it higher than is needed.

Just follow those steps, however you dont need to run Prime every times you do a small increment OC. Load windows up, run a few applications, check temps, that shut down windows and increment again. Once you get around a [EDIT]200mhz+ OC start running prime95*200mhz is big your a 1200 processor, that is a 16% overclock*
I think it will be hard for you to get 1.5Ghz or higher, but you can try.

Truly, if I had the processor you do, I would go a buy a few on ebay for less than 20(can get 2 for 15 atm [5/10ea]) and just stick one in you bought and try pushing it too 1.5, if it works, awesome youve got a spare.


Good luck, I hit 3.4Ghz today on my X3 720 (600mhz OC) and plan to hit (POSSIBLY) 4Ghz. Put will most likely stop at 3.7-3.8 and call it a day, nearly or an extra gigahertz is good for me. Unfortunately my fourth core doesnt work with my bios, but I dont feel like downloading a modded bios yet, maybe when my chip comes down in cost...

Also, your NB, SB, Memory speeds can help or hurt your overclock alot. But if you dont know what to do just leave it alone I suggest. For AMD i have their BE chip which allows me to change the multiplyer rather than just the speed, which also helps for a better overclock.

However, just so you know. A small overclock will not do very much for you. However with your chip which is fairly week you may see a difference near 1.5ghz(which is only 300mhz increase).

Hope I helped...wish me luck on the new overclock, new cooler arrives today xD.

Most will say overclocking is just to say who has the biggest e-penis which i thought was hilarious reading all of the overclocking forums.

Heres a review of the processor

http://www.tomshardw...ntel,406-4.html -> rofl benching at 640x480 resolution.

Looks like AMD owned intel like intel is owning amd now...



Posted 21 July 2009 - 01:07 PM

Well Overclocking has almost become a science. Depending on a lot of factors you can get more performance for free.


If you are unexpirienced you shouldn't increase your CPU voltage (with some luck you can nevertheless overclock your CPU quite good). But if you know are more experienced increasing the CPU voltage can help you to increase the CPU speed even more. But this is quite dangerous becasue the CPU wasn't build for that high voltages and it can be damage. Moreover the CPU temperature rises and that's why you need a good CPU cooler. I for example use a very huge cooler called IFX 14 beacasue I have increased my CPU voltage a little bit :D (but now my CPU is pretty fast)

#4 Rick

Posted 21 July 2009 - 01:20 PM

I suggest downloading,

I suggest all of those, because likely some wont support your motherboard or processor. Plus the more the better because most temperature monitors will vary...the best monitor is always your bios or a motherboard manufactured program.

If you set to AUTO always watch the voltage, auto can result in wide varieties.

The more volts, generally better overclock, just watch where your at.

Unfortunately UPS failed to deliver a cooler from 45mins north of me that was ordered on sunday morning, I guess newegg really wants to make sure I get 3 day shipping...this is the cooler I am ordering.
Im thinking I might put a 150-200cfm cooler onto it and see what it can do, maybe one of those delta's...wonder how cold it would get with those on it...

#5 PVT. Craig

Posted 21 July 2009 - 01:55 PM

I suggest downloading,

I suggest all of those, because likely some wont support your motherboard or processor. Plus the more the better because most temperature monitors will vary...the best monitor is always your bios or a motherboard manufactured program.

If you set to AUTO always watch the voltage, auto can result in wide varieties.

The more volts, generally better overclock, just watch where your at.

Unfortunately UPS failed to deliver a cooler from 45mins north of me that was ordered on sunday morning, I guess newegg really wants to make sure I get 3 day shipping...this is the cooler I am ordering.
Im thinking I might put a 150-200cfm cooler onto it and see what it can do, maybe one of those delta's...wonder how cold it would get with those on it...

Thanks for the helpful tips I'm still trying to find software that can overclock my computer I'm really not sure what I'm looking for or wanting to change I've found SetFSB but like i said earlier I'm not 100% sure what I'm doing I don't see anything that lets me change the number of MHZ the processor is running at :unsure: I'm still kind of learning the stuff as i go, I've find a few newbie overclocking guides that I'm reading at the moment so hopefully that will help.

Good luck with your overclocking though hopefully you can get the results you want ^_^

#6 Monkey

Posted 21 July 2009 - 03:26 PM

If you do not have another machine or a spare CPU around I would not recommend doing this. If done wrong you will kill the CPU and be dead in the water with nothing.

You have an old CPU that was not one of the easy ones to overclock without having to do more than software or BIOS settings. Venture ahead if you must but you will be taking chances on this old thing.

#7 Rick

Posted 21 July 2009 - 04:17 PM

Also forgot to add, overclocking increases power that is used....so if you powersupply is borderline and you overclock, however I dont see this being an issue....but yeah you use more power when you overclock...

I will write a quick guide in a little bit,

now where is my dam cooler that was suspose to arrive today that left exactly 12 hours ago when the city is 45mins away -.-

Also, does your processor have thermal sensors? That would be quite important...if you dont, reply...

FSB (FrontSide Bus): increasing the FSB is one of the easiest and most common ways people will overclock, this may be your only way if your multiplyer is locked.
Internal Multiplier: Ratio of processors speed compared to the FSB speed of the computer. If your processor is at a multiplyer of 12 and your FSB is at 200 you cpu speed will be at 2.4Ghz or 2400mhz(same thing). Alot of processors(most of intel unless Xtreme, most of AMD unless BE/FX...or modded bios's) are locked which means you wont be able to change the multiplyer and only the FSB which usually goes from 200-600 which means at the max you could likely overclock your proccessor to 3.6Ghz at the max assuming the multiplyer would be 6 and the FSB would be 600, that however would be next to impossible and utterly dumb to attempt. FSB oc will likely be your only way.

Those are the two main things youl need to know
I dont see it as big of an issue as Monkey does, but take your precautions. Most likely you will get a crash or BSOD. I have had over 10 the past week from overclocking, too high of a settings, too hot or somtimes forcing a restart. If your computer WONT POST DONT PANIC. Here are a few ways to fix it...

1)Set the BIOS or CMOS reset jumper onto the motherboard into the reset configuration and leave it for 20 seconds. then reset the jumper to the default position and power the system on again. If done right bios will be reset.
2)If that didnt work, take the CMOS battery (looks like a flat silver watch battery) from the motherboard. Leave the battery out for a few minutes then put it back in it and turn the system back on. Bios should be reset...

now where is my package...its 435, they never deliver past 5...

#8 PVT. Craig

Posted 21 July 2009 - 05:25 PM

Also forgot to add, overclocking increases power that is used....so if you powersupply is borderline and you overclock, however I dont see this being an issue....but yeah you use more power when you overclock...

I will write a quick guide in a little bit,

now where is my dam cooler that was suspose to arrive today that left exactly 12 hours ago when the city is 45mins away -.-

Also, does your processor have thermal sensors? That would be quite important...if you dont, reply...

FSB (FrontSide Bus): increasing the FSB is one of the easiest and most common ways people will overclock, this may be your only way if your multiplyer is locked.
Internal Multiplier: Ratio of processors speed compared to the FSB speed of the computer. If your processor is at a multiplyer of 12 and your FSB is at 200 you cpu speed will be at 2.4Ghz or 2400mhz(same thing). Alot of processors(most of intel unless Xtreme, most of AMD unless BE/FX...or modded bios's) are locked which means you wont be able to change the multiplyer and only the FSB which usually goes from 200-600 which means at the max you could likely overclock your proccessor to 3.6Ghz at the max assuming the multiplyer would be 6 and the FSB would be 600, that however would be next to impossible and utterly dumb to attempt. FSB oc will likely be your only way.

Those are the two main things youl need to know
I dont see it as big of an issue as Monkey does, but take your precautions. Most likely you will get a crash or BSOD. I have had over 10 the past week from overclocking, too high of a settings, too hot or somtimes forcing a restart. If your computer WONT POST DONT PANIC. Here are a few ways to fix it...

1)Set the BIOS or CMOS reset jumper onto the motherboard into the reset configuration and leave it for 20 seconds. then reset the jumper to the default position and power the system on again. If done right bios will be reset.
2)If that didnt work, take the CMOS battery (looks like a flat silver watch battery) from the motherboard. Leave the battery out for a few minutes then put it back in it and turn the system back on. Bios should be reset...

now where is my package...its 435, they never deliver past 5...

I'm not sure if my computer has thermal sensors or not, how could i check? I know if i go into the Bios it will show my computer temp and the speed in RPMs that the fan is going at so would that be it?

I don't believe the Multiplier is locked in the Bios is says CPU Multiplier and i can keep it at default or change it to a number of settings the default is 12 which is the highest it will go at from what i can tell.

Like earlier i said i was looking at SetFSB and It requires me to know my Clock Generator and then opens into a tab that lists a bunch of which i think is types of Motherboards or something, I'm not entirely sure.

Heres what I'm looking at on SetFSB

Clock Generator ICS9148BF-26
Current FSB/SDR/AGP/PCI Frequency 50.0/50.0 - /25.0MHZ
Select FSB/SDR/AGP/PCI Frequency 50.0/50.0- /25.0 MHZ

Then under that is a slider that increases the select FSB I haven't touched anything yet as you can tell but that's because under the Clock Generator tab there is numerous other options to pick from and each has a different Current FSB/SDR/AGP/PCI Frequency Select FSB/SDR/AGP/PCI Frequency. Is there any way i can figure out what my Clock Generator is?

Edit: I've tried a number of them and after the third one when i press the Get FSB it usually comes with an error box that says PLL Byte error or PLL ID error so would that mean that my clock generator is one of the three on the top because they are the only ones that actually work or does that mean this is a program I shouldn't be working with?

If you do not have another machine or a spare CPU around I would not recommend doing this. If done wrong you will kill the CPU and be dead in the water with nothing.

You have an old CPU that was not one of the easy ones to overclock without having to do more than software or BIOS settings. Venture ahead if you must but you will be taking chances on this old thing.

I understand this is a risk if it proves to be to difficult to do or I become more confused chances are I won't attempt to do it if I have no clue about it, I've been reading a few Overclocking guides for a few hours so I'm learning even if I can't get a huge benfit or a benfit at all from this It would still be a good idea to learn how to Overclock once i get a new computer so why not start now? I would rather learn on this piece of junk than a more recent, expensive computer. :P

Edit: I went back into the Bios again and looked at CPU Multiplier and wrote down the numbers that was listed in the options i could choose from in order.

4x, 10.5x, 5x/12x, 2.5x/9.5x, 4.5x/11.5x, 3.5x/9x, 5.5x/13x, 6x/14x, 8x, 7x/16x, 11x, 6.5x/11.5, 10x, 7.5 and default which it is set. I haven't tried setting it to anything yet because I don't want something to become unstable but as far as I know I have the option to switch it around.

Thanks for all the help you guys have been so far you are great!

#9 Rick

Posted 21 July 2009 - 08:59 PM

Basically how I look at it is, read up, doesnt matter if its your proccesor or an i7, the more you learn the easier it will be. Its all a learning experience also, if its unstable, no problem boot into bios reset the changes. Consider this an easy learning experience since your chip is so cheap and easy to replace ;). The thermal sensors come in handy if its overheated the comp will shit down, if not, well then you may have the old processor problem where overheated in 5 secs its fried ^^. Really its all just for fun.

#10 PVT. Craig

Posted 21 July 2009 - 09:13 PM

Basically how I look at it is, read up, doesnt matter if its your proccesor or an i7, the more you learn the easier it will be. Its all a learning experience also, if its unstable, no problem boot into bios reset the changes. Consider this an easy learning experience since your chip is so cheap and easy to replace ;). The thermal sensors come in handy if its overheated the comp will shit down, if not, well then you may have the old processor problem where overheated in 5 secs its fried ^^. Really its all just for fun.

The problem is I don't think my processor is able to be overclocked though because I've tried SetFSB CPUFSB and a few others and can't seem to find my motherboard anywhere in the motherboard listings It's kind of a downer. :huh:

I don't think there is really anything else i can do sadly.

#11 UnDead

Posted 21 July 2009 - 09:24 PM

Candle that Burns twice as bright , Last half as long.....

#12 Rick

Posted 21 July 2009 - 09:27 PM

Can you change the multiplier?

Posted Image

Look at that image, try changing the FSB or "ratio" also called multiplier. Just try doing a 25mhz increase which is nothing and see what happens.

Candle that Burns twice as bright , Last half as long.....

May be true, but how often are you going to keep a CPU for more than 5 years? If that...I think most upgrade their cpu every maybe 2-3 years, if you are an intense gamer. Technology moves faster than its lifespan ;). If I kept my cpu for its lifespan i think I would be in some trouble....

#13 PVT. Craig

Posted 21 July 2009 - 09:27 PM

Can you change the multiplier?

Posted Image

Look at that image, try changing the FSB or "ratio" also called multiplier. Just try doing a 25mhz increase which is nothing and see what happens.

Mine looks nothing like that, i wish i could give you a screenshot but all it does is says CPU Multiplier and then lists a bunch of numbers (I listed them above.) It doesn't give me any option to change the MHZ or anything, sorry for being so vague.

May be true, but how often are you going to keep a CPU for more than 5 years? If that...I think most upgrade their cpu every maybe 2-3 years, if you are an intense gamer. Technology moves faster than its lifespan wink.gif. If I kept my cpu for its lifespan i think I would be in some trouble....

This candle has been burning for almost 9 years now, but that's only because I don't have enough money for an upgrade.

#14 Rick

Posted 21 July 2009 - 09:30 PM

Uhm i dont get the (x)/(x) means....if you have a camera uploading a picture may help a bit. I used to have a pheonix bios, but I cant remember alot...even though it was a month ago lol and it is in the other room. If you can upload a picture I can see if its similar to the other comp in n the other room and maybe we can work something out.

#15 PVT. Craig

Posted 21 July 2009 - 09:34 PM

Uhm i dont get the (x)/(x) means....if you have a camera uploading a picture may help a bit. I used to have a pheonix bios, but I cant remember alot...even though it was a month ago lol and it is in the other room. If you can upload a picture I can see if its similar to the other comp in n the other room and maybe we can work something out.

I have one but it might take a little while, do you have a Instant messenger service?

Posted Image

Posted Image

Posted Image

Heres the pictures i got from my cell phone sorry about the bad quality but It's all i could make due with, anyways this shows the area I'm talking about, this is in the advanced settings and the list that's in the two pictures is what happens when i open CPU Multiplier.

#16 Rick

Posted 21 July 2009 - 10:35 PM

That is weird. Never seen anything like it before, unless thats how intel is...my best advice would be post onto a technical forum, tomshardware, eggxpert, anandtech, overclock.net or any site that may have a good knowledge. Those guys are dedicated to helping and there is like 30x more people that could help you there. My second best advice would be choosing 4x which is the lowest multiplyer and see what happens, I expect a under-clock but who knows?

#17 PVT. Craig

Posted 21 July 2009 - 10:54 PM

That is weird. Never seen anything like it before, unless thats how intel is...my best advice would be post onto a technical forum, tomshardware, eggxpert, anandtech, overclock.net or any site that may have a good knowledge. Those guys are dedicated to helping and there is like 30x more people that could help you there. My second best advice would be choosing 4x which is the lowest multiplyer and see what happens, I expect a under-clock but who knows?

Well i changed it to 4x but nothing changed at all, CPU-Z still says the multiplier is x12.0 but in the Bios it still says It's at 4x and not default, so i guess it is locked.

#18 Rick

Posted 22 July 2009 - 11:17 AM

That is generally what I think intel processors are unless you have extreme...if it is at 12, that means your fsb should be at 100 I believe. Look for any setting that is at 100 in your BIOS possibly.

#19 PVT. Craig

Posted 22 July 2009 - 07:18 PM

That is generally what I think intel processors are unless you have extreme...if it is at 12, that means your fsb should be at 100 I believe. Look for any setting that is at 100 in your BIOS possibly.

Well I followed your first advice and went to Overclock net and asked here http://www.overclock...-processor.html They said my chipset most likely wouldn't be supported by any of the overclocking software considering It's old age and all that, I think I'm pretty much screwed for this computer but at least I learned a lot about Overclocking and stuff about my computer.

Thanks for trudging along through this with me I appreciate it. :applaud:

#20 Rick

Posted 24 July 2009 - 10:36 AM

No problem, I would have replied sooner but for the past 3 days I have been overclocking...So far I BSOD Past 3.5Ghz. I booted at 3.91Ghz but I cant find the dam cpu-z verification lol. But yeah, Right now I am also stuck at 3,48ghz....I can still boot and run all the way to 3.8, however during runs of prime95 it BSOD. I have a minor feeling its my memory....because its not the temps or voltage, temps are 41max load and idles at 31-33c. We will see,,,this is why overclocking sucks. Your all happy, stable for multiple hours, then boom, comp goes BSOD. Sucks lol.

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