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battlefield 1942 punkbuster ugh

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#1 Xr4ti

Posted 13 October 2010 - 10:42 AM

can't play online battlefield 1942 anymore due to this game no longer supported by evenballance... I'm not a computer programer ugh tried to install but bf 1942 not on the program list... Why would they do that???? Will

#2 Monkey

Posted 13 October 2010 - 11:14 AM

Click HERE to get your game going once again.

#3 mattybeast

Posted 13 October 2010 - 11:14 AM

can't play online battlefield 1942 anymore due to this game no longer supported by evenballance... I'm not a computer programer ugh tried to install but bf 1942 not on the program list... Why would they do that???? Will

Have a look at this thread..it contains several possible fixes.

How to get PB working again for BF194

If you still have problems let us know.... folks here are
sure to help...

#4 Xr4ti

Posted 13 October 2010 - 12:49 PM

Have a look at this thread..it contains several possible fixes.

How to get PB working again for BF194

If you still have problems let us know.... folks here are
sure to help...

Well heck I must be a dumass lol i think Im going to try Installing my doom 3 and then updating the pb file because that game is in the list. then maby I can copy the files to my battlefield pb folder. you think that will work?

#5 Monkey

Posted 13 October 2010 - 12:52 PM

PB fix

No, that will not work. PB is different for each game. The link above will take you step by step on how to make sure your working again. The only copy and paste that would work is if you had a currently working and updated 1942 PB install.

#6 Xr4ti

Posted 13 October 2010 - 01:31 PM

PB fix

No, that will not work. PB is different for each game. The link above will take you step by step on how to make sure your working again. The only copy and paste that would work is if you had a currently working and updated 1942 PB install.

Guess i'm just outa luck then... No matter how I do it battlefield wont show in the list.

#7 Monkey

Posted 13 October 2010 - 01:42 PM

If you have time to join one of our members in TeamSpeak they will be more than happy to walk you through how to have it show in the list.

If you have time in a few hours there will be several in TeamSpeak to help you with this.

you can download TeamSpeak at http://www.teamspeak.com/

Go to the downloads area and if you are unsure if you have 32bit or 64 bit you can get the 32bit as it will work on both types.

Then click connect once you have installed and run TS and in the IP field put moonts.sytes.net.

You can find one of our admins by looking for members with an A symbol but many with the MG symbol can help you as well.

#8 Lin

Posted 13 October 2010 - 03:33 PM

TS was down for updates; it's back up now.

#9 Xr4ti

Posted 13 October 2010 - 03:36 PM

If you have time to join one of our members in TeamSpeak they will be more than happy to walk you through how to have it show in the list.

If you have time in a few hours there will be several in TeamSpeak to help you with this.

you can download TeamSpeak at http://www.teamspeak.com/

Go to the downloads area and if you are unsure if you have 32bit or 64 bit you can get the 32bit as it will work on both types.

Then click connect once you have installed and run TS and in the IP field put moonts.sytes.net.

You can find one of our admins by looking for members with an A symbol but many with the MG symbol can help you as well.

Thank you I may do that later. One thing for sure I'm going to copy those files when I get it working for safekeeping. I still wonder why they no longer support the game. Is it a money thing?

#10 Xr4ti

Posted 16 October 2010 - 12:52 PM

Can't make pb work nomater what i do. I can't even delete the folder I made for the pb update program. Also can't find it in add remove programs. I have full admin rights to the folder I created to. maby it's a vista thing... All firewalls and virous protection has been disabled also. Pisses me off so much I'm going to reformat my hardrive and start over! lol

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