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Your name origin

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#1 Major Sleep

Posted 12 April 2021 - 06:35 PM

The Calming Clam had an interesting origin to his gaming name. What is yours?


Mine used to be Major Sleep Idiot when I first created it. Because I stay up way too late sometimes. I shortened it Major Sleep fairly quickly because I had a friend in teamspeak that would call me Idiot for short. Plus Major Sleep can be a euphemism for death. My band mate liked so it's also my band name. I use it for pretty much any game but it started when 42 first came out.

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#2 Highway Man

Posted 12 April 2021 - 10:17 PM

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#3 Capn Cackler

Posted 13 April 2021 - 01:00 AM

Mine is simply because my mom always told me I cackled when I laughed as a kid. Idk why that stuck with me but it did. Added the Capn and there we go. (Spelled Capn instead of Capt because I was too lazy to look up the right way to abbreviate it)

Took over the other username I went by and I like it a lot better!

  • Major Sleep, Highway Man and RoadFires like this

#4 dodgem

Posted 13 April 2021 - 03:42 AM

I think when I first started playing BF1942 I used the name ScottishHotShot.  I had a weird obsession/fake hate for Scotland - I'm not Scottish and at the time I had never been there.  


I first played BF1942 with a friend at the same computer, switching after every couple of deaths. 


Eventually we stopped playing together.  One day in the summer (must've been 2004) I had gone to a temporary "fair"/theme park in my town and afterwards had come home to play BF1942.  I decided I needed a new name given I was no longer playing with my friend and thought about what it could be.  In the UK, we call the dodgems "bumper cars" but I remembered in the U.S. they're called dodgems and that kinda stood out as the best of the other names I had thought of and was vaguely fitting in the world of infantry strafing, bunny hopping, dolphin diving and generally making yourself hard to hit.

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#5 Highway Man

Posted 13 April 2021 - 09:26 AM

I have never heard bumper cars called Dodgems here in the US.
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#6 kaiserj

Posted 13 April 2021 - 09:18 PM

I used to be -=Vash=- or also -=Vash The Stampede=- because of the Trigun anime. Now it just my last name and the first letter of my first name.

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#7 Highway Man

Posted 14 April 2021 - 10:30 AM

I used to be -=Vash=- or also -=Vash The Stampede=- because of the Trigun anime. Now it just my last name and the first letter of my first name.

German descent?

#8 kaiserj

Posted 14 April 2021 - 06:56 PM


I used to be -=Vash=- or also -=Vash The Stampede=- because of the Trigun anime. Now it just my last name and the first letter of my first name.

German descent?




My dad's side yes. My great grandparents came from Germany.

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Posted 20 July 2021 - 03:13 PM

A mix between Maverick and Amok, 2 words I like both for their meaning and for their intricate "value". Also I really like to see it written all in caps, it''s pleasing: it's the "proper" way to spell it.


So, MAVOK it is.

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#10 Some Girl Named Cher

Posted 20 July 2021 - 05:54 PM

Mine is just my name :rofl: Most boring story everrrrr :lol:

  • Major Sleep likes this

#11 Stamper

Posted 20 July 2021 - 09:23 PM

I have never heard bumper cars called Dodgems here in the US.

If you've ever played the original Rollercoaster Tycoon series, you'll see the bumper cars are called dodgems by default.  I started playing that when it came out - I was maybe seven or eight.   I figured it out when I was in my early twenties...... I was uh...a little 'slow' to learning that one ;)

#12 dodgem

Posted 21 July 2021 - 05:40 AM

A mix between Maverick and Amok, 2 words I like both for their meaning and for their intricate "value". Also I really like to see it written all in caps, it''s pleasing: it's the "proper" way to spell it.


So, MAVOK it is.


You like the uppercase for your name and I like the all lowercase for my name.

It's not Dodgem, it's dodgem  :boxing:

  • MAVOK likes this

#13 Capn Cackler

Posted 21 July 2021 - 06:18 AM


A mix between Maverick and Amok, 2 words I like both for their meaning and for their intricate "value". Also I really like to see it written all in caps, it''s pleasing: it's the "proper" way to spell it.


So, MAVOK it is.


You like the uppercase for your name and I like the all lowercase for my name.

It's not Dodgem, it's dodgem  :boxing:


To each their own!

#14 Highway Man

Posted 21 July 2021 - 08:36 PM

A mix between Maverick and Amok, 2 words I like both for their meaning and for their intricate "value". Also I really like to see it written all in caps, it''s pleasing: it's the "proper" way to spell it.
So, MAVOK it is.

You like the uppercase for your name and I like the all lowercase for my name.
It's not Dodgem, it's dodgem  :boxing:
To each their own!
And don't you forget it

#15 covidwhisperer

Posted 08 December 2021 - 06:59 PM

Mine is mainly:

  1. I used to play with a guy called zook whisperer who was exceptionally good at blowing up tanks with zooks. Its a nod to them
  2. The horse whisperer is about someone who can communicate with horses so I put communicate with Covid by being lethal
  3. I also like stealth kills (whisper quiet)
  4. I'm loud so having whisper is an ironic name

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#16 Nicole

Posted 24 July 2022 - 10:43 AM

The following is the origin of the names that I have used in BF1942.

I first played under the name ps2dude.
That story is kind of boring as I was really into playing PlayStation 2 at the time.
I just added dude to the abbreviation for the PlayStation 2 to get ps2dude.
I did like how the characters of the name looked when read on a monitor.
I played under the name ps2dude for several years in a clan and the Battle for Europe World at War events.
I eventually quit playing BF1942 on a regular basis when World of Warcraft took over my gaming interests.

The story of lookoutriddick is a bit more interesting and even has a video and picture to go with it. smile.png
The name lookoutriddick was created out of an interest in the Riddick character from Pitch Black and The Chronicles of Riddick movies.
Around the same time The Chronicles of Riddick came out, my friend and I decided to make a BF1942 Desert Combat movie using the forklifts on the DC Sea Rigs map.
Using the BattleCraft 42 editor and neglecting my high school homework, I would work on making an edit of the map that we used to capture the movie.
My friend played under the name Deathor at the time we made the movie.
He made an MS Paint drawing of Riddick being chased by Lord Marshall on a riding lawn mower.
For some warped reason, I thought that was hilarious at the time and decided to play under the name lookoutriddick.

Below is the MS Paint picture my friend created and the BF1942 Desert Combat movie we created.


  • Major Sleep and Stamper like this

#17 TheVicar

Posted 28 November 2022 - 01:57 PM

I was SpecialFeaces until about 7 years ago I captured the Church of Market Garden and held off two waves of attacks by myself, playing as an engineer


Whilst I was in the Church I did a quick name change in console to TheVicar and I then told the enemy to "F'off and stay out of my Church", and the name just stuck

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#18 TDBilliamByron24

Posted 08 December 2022 - 09:05 PM

I was SpecialFeaces until about 7 years ago I captured the Church of Market Garden and held off two waves of attacks by myself, playing as an engineer


Whilst I was in the Church I did a quick name change in console to TheVicar and I then told the enemy to "F'off and stay out of my Church", and the name just stuck


I like the old name for obvious reasons but you will always be TheVicar.  Especially due to the rhyming nickname I gave you circa 2020. 

#19 RoadFires

Posted 19 February 2023 - 02:30 PM

In 2016 i was playing Flat Out 2 on pc netbook. And i was thinking using a unique and original name to play against my brothers and friends on school. So, the first thing i tought is using like "El_AutoVolador" (The flighing car), or "El_Vigilante" (The Vigilant), or "Libios" (this name i use in some other games) But I realized that those names is very repeatly(Except for Libios) and dosent buffed very hard to other players.
Then, playing in a car in the game and seeing some explotions, and i say "Oh, i know how to put this. "The Explotion Flame"". And it was very large and a bit accured.
After some months, i was thinking with my brother and he said: "Hey, you drive very quick in road and smash like fire on those who go derby against you" (Obvously, he talk in spanish). And that when the origins of the name begin.
First attemp, was "Calles_Fuego".(Road of fire). Then I realize that wasnt even a good name, so i try to use some english words to combine much better.
Second attemp: WIth the same original name in spanish, in 2017 nickname myself "Road_Fire". I see that was good for some years and i was thinking in using it in every game that i play. Like Mount and Blade or Age of Empires. Then, when it came to bf1942. i was still using "Road_Fire" as my user name. And i play some server of those times. (i didnt discover moon server by those years).
Time pass and it come to 2020. For fast type, i symplified i bit my nickname to "RoadFire", then "RoadFires". and that same year i discover Moon server.
Yeah, i was a bit sh** talker and very aggresive in term of word or back speak to someone. (including directly to admins). Years past and played a few more time and some success happen until i guess i have a job and being more "mature" in some way to my behavior in the world around.
Any ways, that my story of my nickname, got some changes and some issues trought years.

Im proud to be part of this great server for some years, and hope to continue it for some time long. Thank you y gracias :D

- RoadFires 2023

  • Captain John H. Miller, Major Sleep and Capn Cackler like this

#20 Wild-Bill

Posted 07 May 2023 - 10:02 AM

Sooo, my real name is William, and Bill has always been short for that. When I was younger, my ADD was kinda out of control and between watching to much professional wrestling and GI Joe, I was essentially the Lonny Tunes tasmanian devil walking the earth most of the time. I feel so bad now for all of my teachers in elementary school.... I earned the nickname Wild Bill from some teachers and even a school counselor..  I was a wild child.


Fast forward to about 1998'ish (keep in mind, I'm 48 now) I started playing the original Quake over a 14.4K baud modem with random folks and they asked me what my game name was..I was like Wild-Bill ;) Many years later, It's still my name tag. It's the same in Steam - https://steamcommuni...d/treadshooter/


Good times!



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