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Plane whoring suggestion

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#1 CA1

Posted 29 January 2025 - 10:07 PM

I am begging the admin's to please keep the amazing pilots from ruining the different maps by plane whoring the entire time we are on that map (one pilot just now at 41 kills with a plane and it didn't allow us to move anything anywhere).  If you can't stop them, can you please add more aa guns or make the aa guns stronger so they don't blow up so easy.  Thanks :)

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#2 Colonel Tavington

Posted 31 January 2025 - 09:30 PM

Some heat-seeking surface to air missiles should solve the problem.

#3 CA1

Posted 04 February 2025 - 01:41 PM

I would love that......give me the SAM site next to the barn.  



#4 Clarence

Posted 24 February 2025 - 04:08 AM

Joysticking Lovecatt is doing this right now, as he always does. If there's one player ruining this game and driving people away it's him.

#5 FlameHaze

Posted 04 March 2025 - 04:35 AM

Joysticking Lovecatt is doing this right now, as he always does. If there's one player ruining this game and driving people away it's him.


Now I appreciate that when teams aren't skill balanced, it sucks to get pummeled.  But you should suck it up, happens to everyone in every online team game, this thread has a whiff of "Karen" to it.

The issue as I understand it is that LoveCat is a good player who specializes in flying. And you want the Admins to do what exactly?

Ruin the game for those that like flying because you are bad at it / got stuck in an unbalanced match?


How is that any different than me saying this:

I'm horrible at infantry combat, we had a match and an amazing player with a tag "mustafa or something like that" had 80 kills, totally dominated in the match and on two occasions faced us 5 v 1 taking us all down.

Therefore you would want him to be forced to play as sniper 1/2 the time?  Or let's insert tanks to help deal with him? This argument is identical to yours and equally invalid attempting to gain an unfair advantage.


Skilled players like LoveCat also dislike when skills level of the teams isn't balanced teams, it's boring to just pick of random enemies leaving uncap.

When he and I play together we make sure we are on different teams as we enjoy battling each other.

Having said that I used to admin another server for about a decade.  What we used to do on occasion is politely ask one of the top players on the other team to switch sides and help, and usually they would. 

Obviously I can't say that Admins will be okay with this, but if they are give that a shot, but remember it's not always possible to switch teams on MoonGamers.

#6 FlameHaze

Posted 04 March 2025 - 04:44 AM

BTW 40 kills in a match is pretty common, here's a recent Screenshot from Bocage with 5 people over 40 kills.

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